Feel free to use one of the following logos as your myfantasyleague.com franchise
or league logo. Just follow these simple instructions.
- Decide which of the following logos you'd like to use.
- Place your mouse over the logo. If you are running a Windows
computer, press the right mouse button. On a Macintosh, press and
hold the mouse button.
- Once the menu appears, select the Copy this Image Location option
from the menu, if you're running Netscape. If you're running Microsoft
Internet Explorer, follow these instructions:
- Once the menu appears, select the Properties option.
- From the Properties window, use your mouse to highlight the address of
the image.
- Press and hold the Control key on your keyboard, and press the "C" key.
This will copy the image location to your clipboard.
- Press the OK button.
- Return to the franchise or league setup page using your browser's Back
- Place your cursor inside the Franchise (or League) Logo URL text entry field.
- From your browser's Edit menu, select the Paste option.